Transportation Department Procedures
Iowa law only requires districts to transport K-8 students that live more than two miles from the school designated for attendance and 9-12 students that live more than three miles from the school designated for attendance. ADM provides transportation for students well beyond the minimum requirement of the law. However, not all students are eligible for transportation to and from school.
Students who live in identified walk zone are ineligible for bus transportation to and from school. The walk zones are well within the legal requirements, with ADM continuing to provide transportation to significantly more students than legally required.
The following document has been created to provide ADM families with clear answers to common questions about ADM transportation procedures and practices.
The following page of our website provides parents with information about school start times, end times, and information about when students can be dropped off at and picked up from buildings. This information may be helpful as families work to determine how students will get to and from school during the school year.
Drop-Off & Pick Up Information
View Student Bus Route Information
ADM families can use My Ride K-12 to view all route information. My Ride K-12 can be accessed the following ways: MyRide Website | iOS Download | Android Download
Create MyRide K-12 Account: If you have not accessed your student’s bus route information in MyRide K-12 in previous school years, please use the following directions to set up your account.
- Step 1: Please use these directions to look up your student’s ID number. You will need this information to complete step 2.
- Step 2: Please use these directions to create an account and link to your student.
Please Note: Parents will be required to enter their “Student ID” in order to use the My Ride K-12 website or App. Please use the following directions for information about how to locate a “Student ID” in Infinite Campus: How to Find a Student ID Number in Infinite Campus
Walk Zones
Students living in the following walk zones are not eligible for ADM bus transportation to and from school.
- Adel Elementary Walk Zone (PS-1):View Interactive Map | View PDF Map
- Meadow View Elementary Walk Zone(2-4): View Interactive Map | View PDF Map
- DeSoto Intermediate Walk Zone (5-6): View Interactive Map | View PDF Map
- ADM Middle School/High School Walk Zone (7-12): View Interactive Map | View PDF Map
Bus Routes and Stops
Bus stop placements are determined by the Transportation Department, and are based on established criteria.
- Current riders may or may not be assigned to the same stop used in previous years.
- Riders will be assigned a bus stop determined by one address for AM and one address for the PM. The PM bus address may not be honored if it is different from the AM address.
- Riders are required to use the assigned neighborhood or residence bus stop. Riders may not board or exit a bus at a school building other than the one the Rider attends.
- Multiple pick up and drop off locations cannot be assigned for different days of the week.
- Under the State of Iowa code #285.1-4: Districts are not required to maintain seating space on school buses for students, if the students do not or will not regularly utilize the Districts transportation service for extended periods during the school year.
Transportation Registration
All students who will receive bus transportation services must be registered via Infinite Campus Online Registration. Registration is necessary in order to:
- secure a seat on the bus for the student
- generate a bus pass that must be presented to the bus driver
- ensure that pickup/drop off locations will be convenient
- improve route-planning and equipment allocation efficiency
- promote safety by ensuring that bus rosters are up-to-date at all times
Bus Passes:
K-6 Printed Bus Passes:
- What: Students in grades K-6 will be provided a printed bus pass.
- Why: Students in grades K-6 must have a bus pass in order to ride the bus.
- When: Bus passes will be distributed at open house events.
- Please Note: If a family is unable to attend an open house event prior to school, they should pick up their bus pass from their school building office.
7-12 Digital Bus Passes:
- What: Students in grades 7-12 are asked to carry a digital bus pass.
- Why: Students in grades 7-12 must have a bus pass in order to ride the bus.
- How: Students can load and display the bus pass on their mobile device. (See directions below)
- When: Families should ensure that students have digital bus passes prior to the first day of school.
- Directions: Students in grades 7-12 should create an account in MyRide K-12 following the same directions linked above in the section “View Student Bus Route Information.” This will allow students to access and display their bus route information to the bus driver when entering the bus.
- Please Note: Each family can only create 4 accounts linked to the same student ID. If your family needs more than 4 linked accounts to one student ID, please contact for assistance.
- Other Notes About Digital Bus Passes:
- If your 7-12 grade student does not have a mobile device or you would prefer that they not create an account with MyRide K-12, please contact the ADM Transportation Department at to request a printed bus pass.
- Printed bus passes will not be available for the first day of school and will be issued to students a few weeks into the school year.
- Until the student receives their requested printed bus pass, the student will simply tell their name to the bus driver who will verify that the student is accessing the correct bus and route.
Transportation Changes
Changes After June Registration but Prior to the Next School Year: Families who have completed online registration but need to make a change to the bus transportation information submitted as part of registration will be able to submit a change using the ADM Transportation Change Request Form starting on July 1
- Please Note: Any changes submitted after August 14, 2024 may not be honored during the first two weeks of the school year, with submitted changes going into effect on September 9. This allows the ADM Transportation department to finalize bus routes and provide all families with accurate pick-up and drop-up off times for the first two weeks of school.
Changes During the School Year: Throughout the year it is possible that you may need to change the transportation information that has been shared with ADM schools. Families are asked to communicate changes in a timely manner to help ADM ensure efficient routing and transportation of students.
- Transportation changes are likely to include the following scenarios:
- You indicated the need for bus transportation for your child during online registration, and your child is eligible, but your child will no longer ride the bus to school.
- You DID NOT indicate the need for bus transportation during online registration, but now your child needs to ride the bus to school.
- The location where your child is to be picked up or dropped off is changing.
- Your child stopped riding the bus earlier this year, but now needs to start riding the bus again.
- How To Communicate A Transportation Change:
- Families are asked to complete the ADM Transportation Change Request Form linked below any time that a change is needed. This change form will be inactive during online registration, as all transportation information for the following school year should be entered by families in Infinite Campus during online registration.
- Please Note: If families need to change their “household” address, families must first change their “household” address in the Infinite Campus Portal or contact the District Administration Center at 515-993-4283 to request an address change prior in the Portal to completing the transportation change request form linked above.

Todd Liston
Transportation Director
ADM Bus Garage
1608 Grove Street
Adel, Iowa 50003
Phone: 515.993.5321
Quick Links: