Infinite Campus Support

What is Infinite Campus?

The ADM School District uses Infinite Campus as our student information system (SIS). This system allows students and parents to:

  • access course information, including assignments, attendance, and grades
  • deposit money into a food service account
  • manage food service account information and view transactions
  • view transportation information, including assigned bus routes
  • review and update contact information for Infinite Campus, which gets synchronized with the district’s SchoolMessenger notification system

 Creating a Portal Account

The district strongly recommends that each parent or guardian create a portal account.  Directions for creating a portal account are sent to parents after the completion of online registration. Please use the following form to request an activation key to create an Infinite Campus Portal account.

Infinite Campus Portal Activation Form                              

Accessing the Parent and Student Portal

Parents and students can access the Infinite Campus parent portal using the following links:

Infinite Campus Parent Portal                                                

Infinite Campus Student Portal                                              

A free Infinite Campus app is available for iOS and Android; simply follow the prompts on your device after you log in to the portal with your device’s web browser.

Support Requests

District staff are happy to provide assistance to students and parents with Infinite Campus questions. Use the following links submit support requests, and a district staff member will help you as soon as possible.

Infinite Campus Support Request                                                            

Student Data Coordinator

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