What is a CFA?

You may have heard the term “CFA” from your students, teacher or on ADM Twitter accounts.  So what is a CFA?  It’s a common formative assessment.   Common, as all students in the grade level take the quiz.  Formative, because the grade level uses the information from the quiz to get a pulse on learning taking place- by student, by standard.  We use CFA data to create interventions for re-teaching or extensions for students who already know the learning target(s).

CFA data is often celebrated in the classroom!  At DeSoto Intermediate, we believe that all students are ALL of our kids.  We use our collaborative (PLC time) to talk about our CFA data and how the team can support the learning of every child, in any classroom.  CFA data is used for reporting, tracking student progress and celebrating in student Data Binders as well.


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