Preschool Registration

Welcome to ADM Preschool Registration. In order to register for preschool, incoming students must be 4 years old on or before September 15th of 2025.

Registration Window: Families who would like to send a student to four-year-old preschool at ADM next school year must complete the online registration process by 12/1 each year to be considered as part of the initial selection process. Late registrations will not be considered as part of the initial registration process and will be placed on a waiting list.

Selection Process: Completing registration does not guarantee a spot in ADM’s four-year-old preschool program. ADM will use a multi-step selection process in order to determine entry to ADM’s four-year-old preschool program. Review the full selection process here: ADM Preschool Information

Directions: Select the following “status” that best describes the student you are registering for preschool and click the link to view specific registration directions:

“New Family to ADM”                

  • You currently have NO children enrolled in the ADM School District.

“Existing ADM Family”                 

  • You currently have children enrolled in the ADM School District.


  • Registration Window: Registration is open 11/1 – 12/1.
  • Selection Process: Following the close of registration on 12/1, ADM will follow a multi-phase selection process to identify students initially selected to participate in ADM’s four-year-old preschool program.
  • Notification: All families who completed the online preschool registration process by 12/1 for their child will receive an email by mid-January indicating if their child has been selected for ADM’s four-year-old preschool program. Students who are not selected will be placed on a waiting list.
  • Waiting List: In the event a spot becomes available in preschool, ADM will utilize a lottery drawing of all waitlisted students to offer the open spot.
  • Registering After 12/1: Families are still invited to register eligible four-year-old preschool students after the 12/1 registration window closes.  Students registered after 12/1 will be placed on the waiting list.
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