Parent Involvement
There are many ways to be involved at Adel Elementary
Involvement could include:
- Open House: parents and students are given the opportunity to meet their teacher, drop off supplies, and learn about the upcoming year’s expectations.
- Tiger Troop: Tiger Troop volunteers work with students on a variety of reading, writing, and math activities. (
- Reading Club: Adel Elementary provides a weekly opportunity for students to listen to a book that is read aloud by a parent volunteer. The 2nd grade reader comes at the start of lunch recess on Thursday. If you are interested in being a reading club volunteer, contact Tiffany Graham at Adel Elementary by email ( or by phone at 515.993.4285.
- Watch D.O.G.S: This program encourages fathers, grandfathers, and uncles of Adel Elementary to volunteer to spend the day at the school serving as a positive role model. The volunteers spend time on the playground, in the lunchroom, and helping in classrooms. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kristen Rodgers at 515.993.4285. (
- Star Student: every child is given a chance to be recognized for their academic or social success. Parents, families, and friends are invited to come and celebrate with the child.
- Muffins for Moms: moms or a special friend are invited to enjoy a muffin with their child.
- Donuts for Dads: dads or a special friend are invited to enjoy a donut with their child.
- Field Trip: students enjoy a trip to the Kuehn Conservation Area to enhance the second grade environment unit.
- Second Grade Celebration: students invite their parents to spend an afternoon celebrating their second grade achievements.
At home these include:
- Sponsoring a classroom magazine to use as mentor texts
- Practice spelling/core words
- Read 20 minutes per night
- Making blank books for writing workshop
- PACT (Parents And Child Together): Our Parent and Child Together (PACT) committee has monthly meetings that focus on educational topics and activities that support our students and teachers. All Adel Elementary parents are invited to attend. If you are interested in learning the date of the next meeting, please contact Tiffany Graham at Adel Elementary by email ( or by phone at 515.993.4285.