2023-24 Kindergarten Registration – Now Open!
ADM Families,
If you have a child who will be five years of age on or before September 15, 2023, plan to begin the kindergarten registration process today! Use the following link to access directions for the online registration process.
Register During January and February: Please complete the online registration process during January or February to ensure you receive all communication related to kindergarten screening in preparation for your child to attend kindergarten at ADM.
Help Spread The Word: Please help spread the word about ADM’s 2023-24 Kindergarten Registration to neighbors, colleagues, and friends who might have children ready to enter kindergarten at ADM.
Kindergarten Registration Only: The current registration window is for incoming kindergarten students only. All other students will register starting June 1.
Questions: Contact Rikki Kuhns at rikki.kuhns@admschools.org or (515) 993-4283 ext. 1041 with questions about the online registration process or to set up an appointment to complete the online registration in person.