On Monday, October 10, 2022, the ADM Board of Education approved a 2022-23 Facility Master Planning Committee. The committee includes administrators, teacher and parent representatives from all buildings, two board members, and community leader representatives. The FMP Committee is considered a “board-approved” committee and will operate under open meetings requirements.
2022-23 Facility Master Planning Committee Members:
Heith Hockenberry, Nikki West, Greg Dufoe, Travis Wilkins, Luke Asche, Eric Brown, Jim Peters, Mitch Crozier, Joe Stutelberg, Rod Wiebers, Kim Anderson, Jodi Banse, Amy Hemphill, Kim Timmerman, Lee Griebel, Thomas Book, Shanlyn Doll, Nick Schenk, Ross Freeman, Ben Madison, Cindy Carlson, Courtney LaMair, Sarah Knute, Bart Whipps, and McKenzie Gettler.