ADM Schools invites the ADM Community to join in TigerFest on Thursday, September 15 to celebrate ADM Homecoming.
TigerFest: Thursday, September 15
- Who: All ADM residents and children
- When: 5:30-7:00pm, Thursday, September 15
- Cost: TigerFest games and events are free to the public
- Where: ADM High School / Middle School Campus – See Map
- What:
- Carnival Games and Prizes: Experience bounce houses for kids and other free games from 5:30-7:00 pm.
- Senior Autograph Tent: The ADM Athletic Booster club is sponsoring a senior athlete autograph tent. Come grab a poster and autograph from your favorite athlete! 5:30-7:00 pm.
- Food: Food and dessert from the FFA and the ADM Fine Arts Booster Club will be available for purchase in the concessions area of ADM Stadium.
- Parking: Attendees are asked to enter the ADM High School parking lot through the west entrance.
District Pep Rally, Coronation, and Powder Puff Football: Thursday, September 15
- Who: All ADM residents and children
- When: Starts at 7:00PM, Thursday, September 15
- Cost: Free to the public
- Where: ADM Stadium
- What:
- District Pep Rally: The District Pep Rally will start at 7:00 pm at ADM Stadium and will highlight band, cheer, dance, XC, volleyball, and football teams 7th through 12th grades. The pep rally will begin with middle school activities and end with the high school football team.
- Coronation: The ADM Homecoming Coronation will take place at the end of the District Pep Rally at ADM Stadium.
- Powder Puff Football: The annual ADM Homecoming Powder Puff Football game will start at 8:00 pm at ADM Stadium.
- Food: Food and dessert from the FFA and the ADM Fine Arts Booster Club will be available for purchase in the concessions area of ADM Stadium.
- Parking: Attendees are asked to enter the ADM High School parking lot through the west entrance.