Mrs. Bryte serves the ADM school district as the preK-1st grade school counselor. Her role at school is to help deliver our Social and Emotional Learning to students through whole group guidance lessons, small groups, and individual meeting times with students. All students at Adel Elementary will see Mrs. Bryte in their classroom for whole group guidance lessons approximately twelve times this school year. Classroom guidance lessons focus on self-awareness, feelings & coping skills, friendships & problem solving, and doing our best! Mrs. Bryte also serves our students in small groups during the day. Counseling small groups have a specific focus such as developing school success skills, learning about emotional regulation, how to make and keep friends, and many other specific concerns. Small groups include a few students at a time, the students meet in Mrs. Bryte’s room, and students see her once a week for approximately six weeks. Another area that Mrs. Bryte works with students is through individual counseling sessions. Students can meet with our counselor one time regarding an isolated concern or a student may have a weekly spot on her schedule. The services offered through Mrs. Bryte’s role at Adel Elementary are so valuable to all students social and emotional growth!