Junior and Senior Students,
We wanted you to know that we understand how important prom is for you. This is why we have not cancelled the event due to circumstances but instead postponed it. Here are the tentative details for the 2020 Prom…
- Prom Date: Saturday, June 20th
- Time: 8 pm to 11 pm
- Place: ADM Middle School Commons
Ticket Sales: will go through Ms. Boesen (more information will be sent to you regarding the process)
Decision Date: On June 1st, based on state and local guidance regarding social distancing, we will determine if the 2020 Prom is possible. If we can not hold prom on this date due to the pandemic, unfortunately it will be cancelled for the year. Our hope is that we will be able to hold this event for you.
Grand March: We will not hold a Grand March this year due to the concerns around Covid-19. We understand this is a big community event and we would love to have it. This year we want to focus on just you and hopefully hold an event you can remember. Thank you for understanding.