The fourth annual Experiencing Success Today conference will be held at ADM High School on Friday, February 14. The premise of the conference is simple: educators in our district possess a wealth of expertise and this day gives them the opportunity to share that expertise with each other.
Breakout sessions–created and led by teachers–will include Tweeting the Night Away, Number Talks, Using Mentor Texts, Immerse Yourself in Immersion, Using Seesaw, Best Practices at Tier 1, and more.
This conference provides multiple opportunities for all of us to learn and grow–from our own ADM teachers and from a nationally-recognized educational leader like Aaron Hansen. Aaron Hansen is a nationally recognized presenter and author who empowers teachers and leaders to transform their schools. He is also a leadership consultant with the Northeastern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program.
As former principal, Aaron led the transformation of White Pine Middle School (WPMS) in Nevada into a nationally recognized, high-achieving school. WPMS won many awards including Title I Distinguished School and National Model School (2009–2012). It is the only middle school in the United States to be named a Middle School of Distinction (2010) by the International Center for Leadership in Education.
Aaron has been featured in many books, articles, and TV news stories including ABC World News With Charles Gibson, American Morning (CNN), Fox and Friends (Fox Network), and a BBC documentary, all highlighting the changes he led in transforming school culture and combating bullying. Aaron was named Nevada Innovative Educator of the Year in 2009.
Aaron has worked with thousands of educators across North America and beyond, helping them improve their processes for PLCs, RTI, teacher and leader improvement, student and staff culture, and comprehensive school transformation.