Due to predicted weather and ground saturation, ADM TigerFest events have been moved indoors. Please see information below for specifics.
TigerFest: September 12th
Who: All ADM residents, children, and alumni
When: 5:30-7:15pm, Thursday, September 12th
Cost: TigerFest games and events are free to the public
Where: ADM High School / Middle School Campus – See Map
- Games 5:30 – 7:00: Experience 3 bounce houses for kids, bucket toss, gaga ball, giant Jenga, ring toss, plinko, and other free games.
- Homecoming Parade – Canceled
- Coronation 7:00 PM: The ADM Homecoming Coronation will start at 7:00 pm in the ADM North Gym.
- Powder Puff Football 7:15 Tentative: The annual ADM Homecoming Powder Puff Football game will tentatively start at 7:15 depending on weather conditions at 7:00 PM.
Food: Food from the FFA will be available for purchase in the concessions stand at the North Gym.
Dessert: Dessert from the ADM Fine Arts Booster Club will be available for purchase in the MS Commons
Parking & Entrance: Attendees are asked to enter the ADM High School parking lot through the west entrance. Attendees are welcome to enter the MS/HS building using either middle school or high school entrance.