On Thursday, April 25, nine students from ADM middle school presented projects at the Central Iowa Technology Fail in Ames, Iowa. The Central Iowa Technology Fair offers K-12 students an opportunity to showcase technology-based projects. Projects submitted span eight different categories including web presence, programming, video/linear presentation, graphics/publishing, 3D rendering/non-linear animation, music/sound design, mobile apps, and innovative technology use. Each project is reviewed by a team of judges and is given a score and ribbon.
Of the 163 entries at the Central Iowa Technology Fair, sixteen were given the highest award – the purple ribbon. ADM was proud to earn three of the sixteen purple ribbons! The purple ribbon recipients have been invited to showcase their projects to midwest educators during next October’s ITEC conference held in Des Moines, Iowa. Congratulations to all of the participants from ADM!

Owen Kirk, Helen Kirk, Kyler Hegarty, Addison Herrick, Luke Krantz, Ella Fuller, Dylan Hunt, Sam Mallory, & Lucas Neppl presented projects at the Central Iowa Tech Fair

Purple Ribbon Winner in Programming: Kyler Hegarty

Purple Ribbon Winners in 3D Rendering: Helen Kirk, Owen Kirk, & Luke Krantz

Purple Ribbon Winner in Graphics/Publishing: Addison Herrick