Adel Elementary will host the 3rd Annual Tigers in Training 1K on Friday, September
8th. The afternoon event is an opportunity for students to enjoy being physically
active alongside family members, community members, classmates and teachers.
We hope to have lots of families in attendance to join in on the afternoon event.
The 2015 event raised funds to purchase a new playground structure that was
installed at Adel Elementary. The new playground equipment is enjoyed several
times a day during recess.
Our next goal is to install a walking trail around the perimeter of the playground at
Adel Elementary. This is a large project that will require several years of
fundraising. All donations raised during the 2016 event and the 2017 event will go
toward this goal. If you would like to make a donation, please go to:
If you are interested in volunteering to help along the course during the event,
please sign up at:
A huge thank you to Adel Fareway and Pepperidge Farm for donating snacks and
water bottles for all of the walkers and runners after the event.
We are looking forward to Friday, September 8th!