We are excited to have several teachers at ADM High School using a standards based grading scale in their courses beginning this semester. After a lot of in-depth study, practice and discussions, we have four teachers that are going to use standards based learning and grading practices.
What is standards-based grading?
Standards-based grading measures your student’s mastery of the essential standards for a class, or how well your student understands the material in class. The class grade will be based on all of the evidence teachers collect demonstrating mastery of the essential standards.
The goal of this approach is to provide teachers, the student, and parents as accurate a picture as possible of the student’s learning and to encourage a dialogue about how the student can master the material for the class. In particular, because learning is a process that takes place over time, each assessment will provide feedback for the student about what to focus on next.
How is standards-based grading different from traditional grading?
In the traditional 100-point grading system, a student’s grades are typically based on all of the work assigned in class, including classwork, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests. These scores are often arranged in the grade book based on the type of assignment rather than on the essential standards for the class.
Standards-based grading does not separate out tests, homework, or projects. All of the work a student does is used to assess the student’s mastery of the essential standards. A student’s scores from their work are tracked by the essential standards, which gives teachers, the student, and parents a very detailed picture of which standards a student has mastered.
What do the scores on the 4.0 scale mean?
The scores on the 4.0 scale each have a very specific meaning. They are:
- 4.0: The student demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the material by completing advanced applications of the material.
- 3.0: The student has mastered the complex, targeted knowledge and skills for the class.
- 2.0: The student understands the foundational material that supports the targeted learning, but is still working to master the complex material for the class.
- 1.0: The student is able to demonstrate an understanding of the foundational material for the class with help from the teacher, but still struggles when working independently.
- 0.0: Even with assistance from the teacher, the student shows no understanding of the material.
What is the grade scale for standards-based grading?
3.51-4= A
3-3.5= A-
2.84-2.99= B+
2.67-2.83= B
2.5-2.66= B-
2.34-2.49= C+
2.17-2.33= C
2.0-2.16= C-
1.76-1.99= D+
1.26-1.75= D
1.0-1.23= D-
Below 1= F
This conversion scale sets clear expectations for student learning. In order to receive credit for a class, a student must, with help, show an understanding all of the foundational skills taught in a class.
Communicating Beyond Infinite Campus
As we work to clearly communicate with you what your child knows and can do, please feel free to provide us with feedback and contact us with any questions or concerns you have.
Robin West–rwest@adm.k12.ia.us
Beth Knipper – bknipper@adm.k12.ia.us
Beth Basinger–bbasinger@adm.k12.ia.us
Jacque Seidl – jseidl@adm.k12.ia.us
Lee Griebel–lgriebel@adm.k12.ia.us