The following is a brief summary of the different reading activities your child will take part in daily in first grade:
- Guided Reading: small group reading instruction based on student needs.
- Reader’s Workshop: whole group reading instruction with an in-depth focus on how reading works. This includes a mini lesson, time to read independently, and a time for students to share their noticings about what they’ve read.
- Read Aloud
- Shared and Interactive Reading: students are involved in reading an enlarged text
- Independent Reading: students read of their choice at their independent level to practice fluent and phrased reading.
Unit of Study |
Building a Reading Life |
How to Introduce a Book to Yourself |
Decoding Strategies |
How to Distinguish Between Books that Tell Stories and Books that Share Information |
Types of Nonfiction and How to Navigate Nonfiction |
Literacy Notebooks |
Characters Matter |
Setting |
Road Map of Fiction |
Comparing Similarities and Differences of Texts on the Same Topic |
How Illustrations Convey Meaning |
Literature Discussion Groups |
Fiction Story Elements |
Main Idea & Key Details |
Author Study: Cynthia Rylant |
Powerful Phrases |
Punctuation |
Determining Importance |
Summarizing Nonfiction |
Summarizing Fiction |
Inferring/Figurative Language |
Character Comparison |
Point of View |