2022 Facility Master Planning Documents
In October of 2022, the ADM Board of Education approved a Facility Master Planning Committee to start the Facility Master Planning process during the 2022-23 school year. The purpose of this committee was to develop recommendations for a 10 year plan to address facility needs of the ADM Community School District.
The Board-approved committee was comprised of community members, teachers, administrators, city mayors, and board members and was created to study district needs and to provide recommendations. During the 2022-23 school year, the Facility Master Planning Committee:
- Evaluated current ADM facilities and identified priority needs
- Studied future enrollment projections and capacity implications for all school buildings
- Identified priority future facility needs to meet enrollment and programming needs
- Created and evaluated 10 scenarios to meet identified priority needs
- Developed a sequence and 10-year plan to meet identified priority needs
- Produced a 10-year plan to be recommended to the ADM Board of Education
On June 12, 2023, Tom Wollan of FRK Architects and Engineers, presented the ADM Facility Master Planning Committee’s final report to the ADM Board of Education. The final report included the recommendation of 6 projects to be completed over the next 10 years to address enrollment pressures, student programing, and aging facilities.
ADM Facility Master Planning Committee Final Report
On July 10, 2023, the ADM Board of Directors approved a 10-year Facility and Financial Plan based on the recommendations from the FMP Committee. ADM’s 10-year plan represents an intentional strategic shift to a long-term, systemic approach to facility planning at ADM. The goal of ADM’s 10-year plan is to address both new facility needs and the facility needs of buildings that already exist in the district.
On August 14, 2023, the ADM Board of Directors unanimously approved a bond issue question that will appear on the ballot Tuesday, November 7, 2023. If the $58 million bond is approved, the district would use the funds to construct, build, furnish, and equip a new high school building and improve the site while constructing athletic complexes for the new school. It would also remodel, repair, improve, furnish, and equip the DeSoto building, including the demolition of the three-story portion of the building. Additionally, funds will cover renovating, remodeling, improving, furnishing, and equipping the current middle/high school building.
ADM provided additional information during the fall of the 2023-24 school year to all ADM residents, with three detailed mailers that explained the needs and solutions, along with a robust website to answer to frequently asked questions. Additionally, two public forums were held in October, 2023.
Click Here to View ADM’s November 7, 2023 Bond Website
On November 7, 2023, ADM residents voted on the following ballot measure: “Shall the ADM Board of Directors for the ADM School District be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $58,000,000 to provide funds to construct, build, furnish, and equip a new high school building and improve the site; construct athletic complexes and sites for the new high school; renovate, remodel, repair, improve, furnish, and equip the DeSoto building, including demolition of the three-story portion of the building, and improve the site; and renovate, remodel, improve, furnish, and equip the current Middle/High School building?” Unofficial results indicate that the measure passed with 79.75% YES (1693) and 20.25% NO (430). The ballot question required a 60% supermajority “yes” vote to pass.
2022-23 Facility Master Planning Documents
Date | Topic | Resources |
6/12/23 | Board Work Session
Links To Resources |
3/27/23 | FMP Committee Meeting #4 – Priorities and Recommendations
Links To Resources |
3/2/23 | FMP Committee Meeting #3 – Solutions and Non-Attendance Centers
Links To Resources |
1/16/23 | FMP Committee Meeting #2 – Future Needs and Growth
Links To Resources |
12/5/22 | FMP Committee Meeting #1 – Current Facility Needs
Links To Resources |
6/13/22 | Board Work Session
Links To Resources |
2022-23 Facility Master Planning Committee Members
Kim Anderson | Administrator | Amy Hemphill | Administrator |
Luke Asche | Director | Heith Hockenberry | Board Member |
Jodi Banse | Administrator | Sarah Knute | Teacher |
Thomas Book | Parent | Courtney LaMair | Teacher |
Eric Brown | Director | Ben Madison | Parent |
Cindy Carlson | Teacher | Jim Peters | Adel Mayor |
Mitch Crozier | DeSoto Mayor | Joe Stutelberg | Minburn Mayor |
Shanlyn Doll | Parent | Kim Timmerman | Administrator |
Greg Dufoe | Administrator | Nikki West | Board Member |
Ross Freeman | Parent | Rod Wiebers | Director |
McKenzie Gettler | Teacher | Bart Whipps | Teacher |
Lee Griebel | Administrator | Travis Wilkins | Administrator |