The ADM School to Career or work-based learning program is intended for Junior and Senior students who are interested in developing work-based learning skills and opportunities.  It is broken into two semester-long areas.  In the beginning stage students will focus on the coursework required to be successful in the second stage of our program, the workplace learning placements.  

Our program will provide students with a variety of opportunities and experiences.  The program consists of three required parts: 

  1. Course Work  
  2. Workplace Observations
  3. On-the-job training
  4. Student reflection


Areas of focus for our program will be: 

  • Vocational Interest Profiles 
  • Career Guidance Development of Realistic Career Goals 
  • Pre-Employment Training Job Placement through the Program 
  • Site Monitoring 
  • High School Credit for Work Experience 
  • Post-Secondary Education Connections


Students who are interested in taking advantage of this program will begin with an application, teacher recommendation, and interview process to be accepted into the program.